
Madagascar Lace Plant (Bulb) Aponogeton madagascariensis is considered by many to be the holy grail of freshwater aquarium plants

Madagascar Lace Plant
photo credit: Aquatic Arts

There are many who consider the Madagascar lace plant to be the pinnacle of freshwater aquarium vegetation. Its long, round leaves resemble a web or netting and have been called "skeletal." This plant has the potential to reach a height of over 20 inches, making it a prime candidate for the spotlight in any freshwater aquarium. Although not a "beginner plant," it requires less attention than its notoriety would suggest. More information about its requirements for care has become available in recent years, which has improved the success of hobbyists with this plant.

The Madagascar lace plant, like other Aponogeton bulbs, needs a "resting phase" to keep going for a long time. Most or all of its leaves will fall off at this time. Many people probably just threw away their plants because they thought they were dead before this phase was even recognized. However, with proper care, new leaves will emerge from the bulb a few weeks after the resting period ends, often expanding and becoming fuller than they were before.

The Madagascar lace plant bulb, in contrast to the Aponogeton bulbs that must be kept cold or even outside the aquarium in a damp container, should be kept submerged and partially buried in the substrate. Furthermore, it has a peculiar requirement for higher temperatures during its dormant phase. If the soil around the bulb is kept moist and fertile, new leaves will sprout. The Madagascar lace plant prefers cooler temperatures and constant moderate to high water flow outside of its summer dormant period.

Seachem Flourish, Flourish Excel, Nitrogen, and other plant supplements are beneficial for the Madagascar Lace Plant, as they are for most plants.

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