
Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) for Sale: Size, Tank, Care, Types, Breeding

Ember Tetra
photo credit Aquatic Arts

With a bright ember orange hue and a semi-clear body, this peaceful nano fish is an excellent choice for a community tank.

If you're looking for an aquarium fish that is both beautiful and peaceful, look no further than the Ember tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae), also known as the Fire, Dwarf Red, or Amanda's tetra. Schooling fish like this can be the star of any peaceful community aquarium, and it's a particular standout in the planted tank.

Typically, the Ember Tetra is found at or near the top and middle of the water column, but it can also be seen swimming and feeding in the middle and lower levels. Small, peaceful fish can swim around it without fear. It can be compared to microrasboras in terms of dwarf shrimp compatibility because of its small size. It's also possible to keep calmer, larger invertebrates in a community aquarium.

There must be at least six Ember Tetras in a school for this fish to thrive. This fish is able to adapt to a variety of environments because it is raised in a tank, but its natural habitat is acidic and littered with tannins. A well-planted aquarium with a dark substrate, especially with floating plants, is the best environment for this species to thrive. It should not be kept with tankmates that are too boisterous when it comes to feeding time.

The Ember Tetra can thrive on a varied diet of mostly carnivorous foods, even though it isn't a picky eater. Flake food, pellets, and live, frozen, or freeze-dried Artemia, microworms, Tubifex, and finely chopped bloodworms are all readily accepted by fish.

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