
Endler Guppy Fish Sentaku Pinku high quality home-bred (Poecilia reticulata x wingei) UK

Endler Guppy Fish Sentaku Pinku
Offering a pair (male and female) of a high quality home-bred Sentaku Pinku Endler Guppy (Poecilia reticulata x wingei). This is a famous Kenjiro Tanaka's strain. This species is less than 3 cm. They will be packed carefully and shipped by overnight delivery service. You can buy as many fish as you like and only pay a maximum of 15 for packing and delivery. If you live in Northern Ireland or Scottish Islands/Channel Islands please ask for delivery prices as extra charges may apply for multiple-item order. If there are any questions you have then please get in touch before you place an order. Thanks for looking!

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